
grid hunt :: The Penitent Hunt

dates:  february 22 - april 2, 2012

start location:  [dirty.little.secret] main store

applications accepted until:   01  february  2012

number of vendor slots:  50

number of sponsor slots:  10

sponsorship cost :  300L

hunt gift cost:  1L

hunt organizer:  tash.porthos

hunt theme:  for you catholics in the know (and others who just ... know, for whatever reason) this hunt starts on ash wednesday, the day of penitence after the decadence and build up of the holiday/carnival/mardi gras season when observant catholics go to mass to receive a cross of ash to wear on their foreheads for the day. this hunt is about the 40 days of the lenten season after fat tuesday, ending on easter sunday. 

buzz words for this hunt:  lent, catholic, penitence, penitent, communion, confession, regret, guilt, redemption, renewal, denial, sacrifice, secret indulgences, resolutions

ORGANIZER'S NOTE:  THIS IS NOT A RELIGIOUS HUNT, NOR IS IT A PERSECUTION OF CATHOLIC FAITH!!! this hunt merely takes it's theme from the long-standing traditions of the lenten season. no judgement or persecution, religious or otherwise, will be tolerated in this hunt, nor will any persecution be tolerated OF this hunt. if you can't have fun with it and be nice, i have mute button with your name on it.